Blogging is something many teachers have taken hold of and have utilized in their classrooms in one way or another. I have thought a great deal about using blogging with my students and completely intend to use it this coming school year, so why could it not be used as a tool for educational leaders?
Principals could use blogging as a resource for parents to voice their opinion on an upcoming issue, to suggest concerns for the upcoming school year, or simply voice their opinions on just about any topic. They could also use blogging as a suggestion board for teachers to discuss changes that would positively influence their school. A principal might also want to use this as a tool to discuss subject matter between teachers in the district - to plan upcoming events, get suggestions or ideas from those more experienced in a particular subject area, or to share valuable information or helpful information. Finally, I think the principal may be able to find a way to utilize blogging as a Professional Learning Community.
Other educational leaders may find blogging useful as well. They could use a blog site to post any positives that are going on in their district - kind of a internet show and tell.
Blogging could be used for so many things. I know, as in all areas of internet use, we must be cautious, but it is a great tool and if planned and used accordingly, I think it could be something very positive for a district.
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